Saturday, February 27, 2010

Teenage Pregnancy and Peer Pressure

Teen Pregnancy & Peer Pressure-“The Truth” Here’s the scenario: A girl just moved to a new place and a cute guy comes up to her and asks her out. She says yes and they begin to have a relationship. They’ve have been seeing each other for a good minute, maybe 3 months or less, by this time she has made friends with some of the neighborhood girls and they have already begun to have sex. In conversation one day they ask if she is a virgin, she lies and says no! Her boyfriend now because of the friends she hangs around and what He has heard she said is now ready to take their relationship to the next level (to have sex). The girl because of her dishonesty with herself and her friends is now faced with a decision. She cares for the boyfriend and does not want to lose the relationship, and she wants to be seen as cool in her friends’ eyes so, she has sex with him. She finds out she is pregnant several weeks later and tells the boyfriend, and he breaks up with her leaving her alone, confused and hurt! She is 15 years old! This happens every day in America and in High Schools. The Silent Killer……Are you listening? (Suicide)
Teenage suicide was the topic that we were touching on in youth group one Friday Feb. 12, 2010 (Youth Alive, Saint John Baptist Church) but the lesson was on identifying yourself through knowledge. Many teens in high school are dealing with identity crisis and finding themselves trying to “Shape shift” into whatever the peer group is they have connected themselves with all because they want to belong to something. We were told that most suicides happen between the hours of 3:00pm and 12 midnight, during the time when parents should be home, asleep and unaware of the pain their youth are in! What are some warning signs: depression, seem withdrawn, abusing drugs and alcohol and self injurious behavior. Read more at:
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By: Brian, 15 yrs. God’s Gentlemen

The war in the home
Problem: No matter how often your parents teach you about right and wrong, no matter how much you attend church on a regular basis, when it comes down to making the right decision (Good over Evil) you still have to make it! You know what is right but, you just can’t seem to make the right one all the time! Sometimes we allow our emotions to get the best of us and instead of being, “Quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry...” We allow our mouth to just have its way. Always talking back to our parents, never really paying attention to what they say and always trying to explain our point. That gets me in trouble from time to time! Me and my brother get mad at each other a lot, and our parents talk to us about love, that the bible says, “If someone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?” They say that God has told us to love one another and that if we are always fighting than we are not showing the love of God and that we break His law to love our brother. It is disobedient to God and to our parents. The bible says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for it is right.” “Honor thy father and mother” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with thee and thee may live long on the earth.”(Ephesians 6:1-3)
If we misbehave we miss out on a lot of things that may have been blessings in our lives from God, from our parents and from our brothers and sisters!

Prayer: Father God in heaven, Lord forgive me for my sins, not listening to your word and to my parents, help me to show your love more at home, school, church and everyday that I may be honoring. In Jesus name, Amen!
God’s Girl--Mel, 7yrs.

1 comment:

  1. It seems hard for youth now a days but God says in His word that there is nothing new under the sun. Also that He would not put more on you than you would be able to bare.
